
Harnessing AI for the Next Digital Leap

Discover a New Era of Business Transformation. Unveiling innovative Large Language Model based AI solutions that reshape the digital journey for businesses across the globe.

Travel Itinerary
  AI Powered

Our Products

mPrompto - Travel : Crafting Travel Experiences

Travel planning can be daunting, but with mPrompto – Travel, it’s a dream. Transform the way you create travel itineraries with the power of AI. Say goodbye to generic plans and embrace tailor-made travel adventures that resonate with individual preferences. Whether it’s mapping traveler interests, saving itinerary variants, or customizing trips down to the finest details, we equip you with everything needed to bring dream vacations to life.

mPrompto - GBR : Elevate your online Presence

Navigating the world of online reviews can be a complex task. Enter mPrompto – GBR, a one-stop solution to audit, manage, and amplify your brand’s voice on Google Business Reviews which will be powered by AI. From harnessing advanced sentiment analysis to providing intuitive dashboards, we ensure your brand stands out and resonates effectively in the digital landscape. Make your brand’s online voice its strongest asset with AI power by your side.

mPrompto - PR :
Brand Guideline Guardian

Brand guidelines act as the final barrier preventing their messaging from appearing generic. Our goal is to preserve this distinctiveness for brands by scrutinizing every communication dispatched to customers, partners, vendors, or external sales teams.

Why Choose us?

Our Mission

We embarked on a mission in 2022, where we saw a vast technological solutions void in the SME and MSME. We’re filling that gap, leveraging the immense power of artificial intelligence to bring precision, efficiency, and innovation to businesses of shapes and sizes. Our commitment? A blend of simplicity for users and groundbreaking technology behind the scenes.